Fujita Pictures: Capturando Momentos Únicos

Sou um fotógrafo apaixonado por capturar momentos especiais. Meu objetivo é criar ensaios e registrar eventos de forma moderna e impactante.

A black and white image depicting a person holding a camera in what appears to be a dimly lit studio setup. Softbox lighting equipment is present, casting a beam of light across the scene, and creating dramatic shadows.
A black and white image depicting a person holding a camera in what appears to be a dimly lit studio setup. Softbox lighting equipment is present, casting a beam of light across the scene, and creating dramatic shadows.
Sobre Fujita Pictures

tipos de fotos

Ensaio individual ou de casal, paisagem, esportiva, eventos e publicidade

Contato Rápido

A person is holding a red camera with both hands, capturing a photo or video at an outdoor event. The focus is on the back of the camera and the photographer’s arms, with a blurred background featuring barriers and colorful objects.
A person is holding a red camera with both hands, capturing a photo or video at an outdoor event. The focus is on the back of the camera and the photographer’s arms, with a blurred background featuring barriers and colorful objects.

Estou aqui para capturar seus momentos especiais. Entre em contato para agendar sua sessão fotográfica!